What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that a website asks your browser to store offline so information can be remembered for a later date. Typically cookies used to record data so the website can customise it's user experience on future visits (e.g. remember a user login or shopping basket items). Cookies are also often used to recognise you as a returning visitor for the purposes of website analytics and monitoring general visitor trends.

Please note that the cookies we use cannot harm your computer and we will not store any private or personally identifiable information. We cannot read cookies that other websites have set, nor can those websites read our cookies.

Cookies used by this website

Cookie Description Lifespan
Session ID Automatically created by our web server as a functional tool. This cookie holds no personal information. Until the browser is closed
Shopper Ref Functional cookie required for shopping basket and checkout to work. Holds unique hash of your basket. Cookie is stored for up to 7 days to allow future visits retaining shopping basket data. 7 Days
Google Analytics Allows us to record your path through the website and recognise you as a returning visitor at a future time. This information is used in conjunction with anonymous data gathered from other visitors and helps us to determine overall browser trends. We do not analyse the browsing habits of individuals. Up to two years*

* Lifespan may vary

Third-party cookies

Other websites may set their own cookies when they're used for embedded content on this website. Such sources are listed above (where practical) and we recommend you check their own websites for more information about their cookies and associated policies.

Further information

If you would like to learn more about cookies and how to manage them, please visit www.aboutcookies.org. There you will learn how you can delete and disable cookies in a variety of web browsers.